
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

TRP - Totally Random Post

I've been MIA on this blog for a while.  I've been busy busy BUSY!  Don't get me wrong...I'm not complainin'.  I have been LOVING all the busyness lately.  But since so much has happened in the last 5 weeks since I've posted here, and I know it would take me forever to go into detail about everything (who has time for that?!), I thought I would create this TRP of pictures and thoughts and just kinda dump my brain out to you all.  Exciting, isn't it?  And, of course, as usual, it will mainly be about the little Petersen.  Also, you might recall my last post was about all my pictures on my cell phone.  Well I finally took the 3 minutes to upload them all to my computer, so all of these pictures are from my phone. No judging my photography skills on these! we go...

Brody loves to eat...have I mentioned this before?  Maybe once or twice.  He hears a package of food opening and he instantly throws eye darts at you and whines until you bring him something.  Kinda like a dog, I guess.  Just call me Pavlov.  But instead of a bell, it's anything that can remotely look or sound like food.

Brody is getting really good at walking lately.  I'll talk more about that in another post, perhaps.  He can make it almost across the whole living room on his own now.  But before that he practiced with his walker a lot...

And this picture is one of my favorites of all time...and one I will cherish for many years to come...
Saturday, September 17th 2011 at 8:03AM ~ Brody is 11.5 months old

No, I didn't accidentally stick the wrong picture in there.  That, my friends, is the first step Brody ever made on his own.  And it's the most godawful picture you've ever seen.  But I love it.  It shows him hands free from the coffee table and in motion...granted he was crashing to the ground at this moment, but only after that first step.  Awww, the pride!

Brody does a lot of things with his index finger.  He has for a while.  He used to try to pick Cheerios up with just his pointer.  He would try to get them to stick to it.  It was the weirdest and cutest thing.  But even still he does so much with that one finger.  Spins the wheels on his toys with it.  Turns the pages of his books with it.  Plays with his food with it.  Touches my lips and mouth with it.  Lots of things.  I don't know if every baby does this or not, but I think it's special.  Others have commented on it before so I'm tempted to think this is just one of those unique things about my son.  I love it.

Brody has gotten the big D a few times lately.  Causes some nasty diaper rash.  So I let him do this for a little bit one air out:

Yah, I spent then next half hour cleaning up diarrhea out of the carpet. 

Brody wouldn't nap one day when he wasn't feeling well.  So he napped with Daddy.  I LOVE these two guys.

Almost every morning Brody watches Elmo.
Is there is an ice-cream cone shaped plastic spoon on my face?  Why yes, yes there is!

We had to rip up our old kitchen floor because of a flooding issue.  Our old "floating floor" was literally floating.  But we put this gorgeous 16x16 porcelain tile in instead and I lurrrrrve it.

And this pic is the closest finished kitchen pic I have...
We still need kick boards under the cabinets.
Prepare yourself for this next pic.  It might make you sick with envy.  Envy over me having the cutest baby in the world...

Sorry if your computer just crashed due to Cuteness Overload.  I warned you though.

Mommy trying to get one decent picture to text to Daddy...

Brody looking under the entertainment center for his block...

We finger painted with cousin Owen on Brody's actual birthday.  One-year-olds don't really understand the concept of finger painting...they just want to eat it.  Although, Brody did have fun putting his index finger in all the paint!

More Cuteness:
Super blurry picture but I think it shows how much fun we have together.  :)

We sometimes take a couch cushion off the couch for Brody to play with. He likes to climb up on it and roll off.  It's probably strange to others, but I'd have to admit that it is probably his most favorite game to play at night.  One night he discovered how to climb up on the couch when the cushion isn't there.  Oh boy did he have fun up there bouncin' around!

And this picture was taken today.  I really ought to pay more attention while driving...