
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Week 35

On Sunday, 8/29, I was officially 35 weeks down with 35 days to go!
Jeff's mom and sister threw us a wonderful baby shower at Lancer's in Eldridge on Sunday. It was so fun to get to see all of Jeff's side of the family and spend some time with them. Plus enjoy some yummy Happy Joe's pizza!
The rocking chair in the above pic is our amazing gift from my wonderful mother-in-law. She found the chair for us at an auction and then had it all refinished. Jeff's aunt Rosie made us the adorbale pillows too (the bottom one was made from the same fabric as my crib skirt). So fun! Can't wait till we get the baby's room all organized do I can get an idea of how it will all look together!!
A huge thank you to my awesome mother and sister-in-law for throwing us the baby shower. We had a great time!

A few more pics from the shower...

Here is my 35 week update:
Maternity clothes:  I wear the same five shirts over and over and over and over.... 

Sleep:  Still rather uncomfortable at this point.  I'm sure this won't change much anymore.  I did get to sleep in on Sunday morning though!!  That was GREAT!

Cravings:  Ice cream

Best moment this week:  The baby shower!

Movement:  Strong slow movements all over versus the old quick kicks.

Gender:  Boy!  No... Girl!

Labor Signs:  None yet...still Braxton Hicks contractions

What I miss:  My pre-pregnancy body

What I Bought This Week:  We got lots of new things for Baby P at the shower this weekend.  Only have one or two items we still need to purchase before the arrival.  Due to a few repeat items, and some things we simply just changed our mind on, I have some returning to do at Wal-Mart and Babies-R-Us this week.  But those returns/exchanges should allow us to get what we still need without having to spend a dime.  :)

What I Checked off my To-Do List:  We started our baby classes at the hospital last week (and just had our second class tonight).  I also had a breastfeeding class last week as well, which my awesome sister Mary came with me to.  I know Jeff appreciated that! 

Thursday, August 26, 2010


So, I happened to be looking back at some of my older posts and came across this picture...
I am lusting over this pic!  I remember taking this and thinking...EW!  I'm so fat!  Wow, how a few months and 30 lbs can change your perspective.  If I can go back to looking like this after this baby is born, I will be promise not to complain about being "fat" anymore!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Isn't Pregnancy Swell?!

So, sorry for the recent posts with pictures of my feet, but I just can't get over how sausage-like they are lately! 
Simply amazes me how swollen it gets...

But here's my remedy...

Yep!  Two ice packs and a bowl of ice cream! 
Pregnancy IS swell!  ;)
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Week 34

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Sorry about the awful picture quality this week.  Jeff was gone so I had to try and rig up something so I could take a picture.  I would have just waited for him to get home, but I just got my hair done and wanted to go to bed, so I had to try to get a pic.  :)

Anyway, here's my week 34 update:

Maternity clothes:  Had to go buy a couple of new shirts last week.  I hate to spend much money on maternity clothes this late in the pregnancy, but it had to be done. 

Sleep:  Starting to get worse.  I can't stay asleep thru the whole night anymore.  Poor Jeff has to listen to me huff and puff while I wiggle around and wrestle with the covers.  I'm thinking about purchasing one of those pregnancy sleep pillows.  Again...hate to make a purchase like that this late in the game, but I heard it really helps and can also help with back pain issues too!

Cravings:  Pretty much anything and everything!  It's not like I've limited myself much at all throughout this pregnancy, but lately I feel like I could eat anything in my site.  I'm like a bottomless pit!

Best moment this week:  My sisters wedding reception, of course!  It was so awesome to get to spend time with her all weekend, and the rest of my family too.  The reception was beautiful and minus some super hot weather conditions, it was perfect!
(There's even a short write-up in a blog by a girl who attended the wedding.  Click here to view).

Movement:  I would say this week baby isn't quite as active as the last weeks, but I've heard that happens as baby gets bigger...less room to move around.  When I do get some kicks, they are a lot stronger than they used to be.  And on Sunday morning I woke up with what I am pretty sure was a foot shoved up by my rib cage.  Ouch Baby!  Be nice to mommy!  :)

Gender:  It was fun to hear all the guesses this weekend from people at Rachel's wedding!  We are getting a lot more guesses that it's a BOY, which Jeff loves to hear.  Although he did say at one point that it just gets his hopes up.  Oh well...only a few more weeks till we get to find out!

Labor Signs:  The Braxton Hicks contractions are definitely getting more intense.  I wouldn't say they hurt at all, but I definitely feel them a lot and they are pretty strong sometimes.  Some are even lasting almost 2 minutes at times!  I know it's no comparison to the real contractions I'll have when I go into labor, but they are kinda fun practice ones now.  I even find myself breathing a little more deeply while they last.  Ha ha.

What I miss:  I said it last week and I'll say it again...I miss NOT having back pain and swollen feet/ankles.  It will be so nice to get my normal size body back someday.

What I Bought This Week:  Just a couple of maternity shirts.  Nothing new for Baby P this week.

What I Checked off my To-Do List:  Not a whole lot since it was such a busy week.  This week will be busy too, since we start our Prenatal classes tonight and Breastfeeding class tomorrow night.  But I truly hope to have some time to get things done for Baby P...there is still so much to do and so little time to do it all!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Week 32...and a half!

Had my appointment yesterday and things went pretty well.  She measured me at only 33 centimeters, so I seem to be on track again.  Other than that, things are pretty much the same and nothing exciting to report.

But...I decided I wanted to start something on my blog that I am stealing the idea from this other blog I found.  Each week of this girls pregnancy she answered the same few questions/topics to see see how things changed throughout her 9 months.  So even though I'm already 32 1/2 weeks along, I thought I'd start this anyway.  So here goes...

How far along: 32.5 weeks

Maternity clothes:  Starting to run out of things to wear as the belly continues to grow.  What I once thought I would never fit into, is quickly looking like I purchased 3 sizes too small.  And about half of the shirts I used to think I looked rather cute in, appear to be belly shirts now….not cute!

Sleep:  Not too bad actually.  I get up about once a night to use the bathroom, but otherwise can sleep pretty comfortably right now.  So far I have woken up at 4:00 AM every day this week, but since my alarm goes off at 4:15 anyway, I suppose that's ok.

Cravings:  Cranberry Apple Walnut Chicken salad from Wendy's.  Can you say DELISH?  Love it!

Best moment this week:  Nothing in particular stands out right now, except for maybe finding out from my midwife that she'd be happy to write a note for me to get out of working OT.  I didn't take her up on it yet...but as the end of the week approaches, I am definitely thinking about it! 

Movement:  Still a crazy little animal in there.  The punches and kicks are much more pronounced than the past weeks.  Loving it!

Gender:  No idea.  In general, I'm not thinking one way or the other.  For the longest time I kept leaning towards thinking it was a girl (as does everyone else it seems), but I still chalk that up to my persistent quest for picking a girls name.  I am happy to say that we have finally decided on our name choices, so now I'm back to just wondering what the heck gender this child will be!

Labor Signs:  Still experiencing those Braxton Hicks contractions, but otherwise, no signs of labor yet.

What I miss:  Looking cute.  Feeling cute.  Wearing cute clothes.  Not having back pain.  Seeing my feet when I look down.  Seeing my feet look normal (not all swollen).  And Beer!

What I Bought This Week:  Went "shopping" at Aunt Mary's over the weekend for various baby things we will be borrowing from her (well from Owen mostly, I guess).  SO fun!  Got LOTS of gender neutral clothes for the babe!

What I Checked off my To-Do List:  I checked off creating a to-do list…does that count?  There was still so much left to do in the baby's room, that I had to get it all written down on paper.  So, I made a to-do list.  Nothing is crossed off yet, but we are working on it.  Jeff wasn't able to go to work Monday and Tuesday with all the rain we got, so he made my picture shelves for me.  They are perfect!  Love my handy-man!  But I still need to paint them and get them hung before I can really cross that off the list.

What I Need Your Help With This Week: Coming up with some good ideas of meals I can make and freeze, so all I have to do when Baby P gets here is pop em' in the oven for us to enjoy on the quick!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Week 32

32 down, 8 weeks to go...gettin' there!
Not much to report this week.  Have my next doctor appointment on Wednesday.  Hope to find out some good news on baby's measurements.  Also  plan to ask her about working as much over-time as I have been.  We have 10 hours next week and  I'm just not sure how much more sitting for that long every day I can take.  My back just kills by the end of the week and when I get home every day my feet and ankles are crazy swollen.  (check out this pic...especially the left foot...sheesh!)

Anyway, that's about all for this post.  We had a great time at the fair with friends this week.  Today is the last day and we are planning to go a little earlier so we can eat some oh-so-bad-for-us fair food.  :)
Here are a couple of fun pics from the other  night to share...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Week 31

(In lieu of the typical belly-bump pics this week, here is a pic of my friend Kim and I at the fair - Dierks Bentley concert)!
Baby P is due to arrive exactly 2 months from today!!  And we can't wait!  Well, actually we can, because we still have lots to do before he/she arrives, but we are truly very excited and anxious for our little bundle of joy to be here. 
I will make this post short and sweet since I have been tending to ramble on in the last few posts.  My 30 week appointment last week went well.  Baby is still measuring 2 centimeters large, but my midwife keeps urging me to not worry, so I'm taking her advice and really trying not least not too much anyway.  She almost scheduled me for an ultrasound for my next appointment, but decided to wait till after that visit to see how my measurements are then.  If I'm still 2 centimeters large, they will do an ultrasound to see if they can see why.  She said it could just be the way baby is sitting in there, could be a lot of amniotic fluid, could be the baby is breach, could be just that baby is a little large, or could be (worse case scenario) that baby has some kidney problem that I can't remember the name of anymore.  But she reiterated that she is not worried at this point, and if she was at all, that she'd be scheduling an ultrasound for me right away.  So, I'm just taking it easy at this point and playing the waiting game.  I tell you what though, feeling this baby swim around inside me sure makes all my worries melt away though.  I can't explain the pure joy I feel when I just think about the little baby growing inside me.  And lately, all the movements have been extra fun.  When baby pokes out a foot or an elbow, I poke back at it with my fingers and it squirms away.  We play this game together for a few minutes before Baby eventually wins by tucking back away and hiding till next time.  :)  Such fun!
We are going to the fair tonight to see Montgomery Gentry play, so I'm anxious to see how Baby reacts to all the loud music!  And Dierks Bentley plays Thursday night...can't wait!