
Tuesday, November 30, 2010


We enjoyed a play date with cousin Owen and Aunt Mary today out in Muscatine.  I had to post this cute pic of the boys just hangin out.  Thanks for taking this, Mary!  Owen did so well posing with his little cousin.  :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Future Best Buddies

This is one of my most favorite pictures of cousin Owen...

And now Brody...

I think Owen is 9 weeks in his photo (Mary, correct me if I'm wrong).  And Brody is 7 weeks in his.  My big guy sure fills out his hand-me-downs from Owen!  :)

All smiles

Brody is 7 weeks old today and full of smiles!

Pic of Jeff trying to get Brody to smile.  We've found that our little weirdo loves to smile at fart noises.  Hahaha...

Brody's first Thanksgiving is coming up and we can't wait to see all our family and enjoy some delicious food!  Gobble Gobble!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Rolling Over

We've reached another milestone!  On Friday Brody successfully rolled over from tummy to back (a couple of times, actually).  Hooray for Brody!  And hooray to me for capturing it on camera!...

(Even though this video starts with him on his side, he really started on his tummy but was on his side when I started the camera).

I'm still trying to capture some smiles on camera.  Got a couple more.  Isn't he just the cutest!?!

Here's a video of Brody talking to me and Eeyore.  :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

First night out

Jeff and I had our first night out on Saturday night!  We went to dinner at Biaggi's and were going to go see a movie but decided to hang out with friends at a bar instead.  Thanks to Grandma Vera for babysitting! We had a great time!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Oh my!

Brody was weighed again at his doctor visit yesterday and is already 11 lbs 2 oz!!  At just 5 weeks, my baby is growing like a weed!  In fact he has outgrown most of his newborn size clothes.  Look at the stack I already pulled out of his closet and drawers...holy smokes!  We're also out of newborn size diapers and moved on to size one!  (Actually we did this at about 3 1/2 weeks!)   :)
We also reached a milestone last night.  Brody slept for 7 hours!  Well, sort of...  I fed him at 8:30 after his bath, then put him to bed and he didn't get up again till 3:30!  I was so impressed!  We also tried something new last night and instead of waiting for him to fall asleep in my arms after eating, I put him to bed awake, turned on his mobile and after a little bit of fussing (although no actual crying), he fell asleep on his own.  He did that at both 8:30 and the 3:30 AM feeding.  I'm sure I can't expect that every night, but it is so refreshing to know that maybe hopefully getting up every 3-4 hours in the night can end soon!
Here is another attempt at capturing that precious smile...

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Monday, November 8, 2010

One Month Old!

As of last Friday, 11/5/10, my sweet baby boy turned one month old!  I can't believe how fast time flies!
A few of Bro Bo's (our nickname for him...short for 'Brody Boy') favorite things...

Sleeping in my arms.
Going for rides in the car.
Spending time with friends and family.
Smiling in the morning.
Kicking and punching all day long.
Being swaddled at night.
Hanging out in the Baby Bjorn (which he's doing right this very moment).
Taking warm baths at night.
Listening to me talk to him all day.
Making eye contact and staring into your eyes.
Laying on his changing table just looking around.
Cuddling with everyone!

He also loves to scare his momma.  OK, this one probably isn't true, but he has certainly done just that quite a few times in the last 2 weeks.  In addition to the bloody stools, now it seems Brody has caught his first cold.  Ick!  Snotty nose, chest congestion, sneezes, coughs, and all.  Luckily no fever though!  We are hoping he feels better soon...this is too much stress for his momma. ;)
An update to my last post regarding the bloody stools...  We saw the pediatric gastroenterologist last Wednesday and he felt fairly certain that Brody had a cow's milk allergy.  How can that be with a breast-fed baby, you ask??  My initial thoughts too...I mean hello, I'm not a cow!  Apparently the milk I drink, passed along to him through my breast milk, can cause the allergy.  I really felt this wasn't what was wrong with him though, since I hardly drink milk at all, but decided I should take doctor's orders anyway.  He said the allergy can cause colitis, an inflammation of the colon, which in turn can cause blood in the stool.  So, our orders were to first, get some blood work and stool samples done at the lab, then immediately start Brody on special formula while I pump and freeze my milk.  We also had to start taking a pill called Culturelle, which is a pro-biotic and will help balance the good and bad bacteria.  We were to do this for one week.  So, we did.  But, the next day Brody was SO constipated and just super super crabby all day long.  He went from having a bowel movement with every feeding, to not having one at all in a 14 hour span.  Plus the blood in his diapers was even worse, and even had two movements that were pure blood.  I called the gastro's office and told (cried my eyes out, rather) them about everything that was going on.  She scheduled us to come in again first thing the next morning.  Things got better that night with Brody, but I went in the next morning anyway.  The doc said the constipation was typical when switching over to formula, so we should continue what we were doing until next week and if he got constipated again, give him some Miralax (stool softener).  But before we left he wanted to call on the results of the stool study from the other day.  And man, am I glad he checked on them, because it turns out, my poor baby had an infection all along!  Something called Clostridium difficile, which is apparently really contagious and just all around icky.  So, now Brody is on an antibiotic every six hours for ten days.  The doc still wanted me to continue with the formula/pumping/pro-biotic regimen until our next scheduled visit though...just to rule out the milk allergy.  I'm happy to report that as of today, there is no longer blood in his stools and after a follow-up phone call from the gastro's nurse this morning, I'm told we can go back to breast feeding right away!  Doc feels the culprit was the C. Diff bacteria instead of a milk allergy, so I got the OK to go back to breast feeding.  If the blood returns, I need to stop right away and let them know, of course.  I'm just so happy that not only is there no longer blood in his diapers, but I don't have to wash bottles and pump parts all day long anymore!  Hahaha.  I guess one good thing from that whole situation is I have a ton of stored breast milk now!  So, I'm definitely planning to take advantage of that and go out to dinner and a movie with Jeff one of these nights, while Grandma V babysits.  :)
So, as of this very moment, Brody has successfully gone back to breast feeding at least once already (I was really worried he wouldn't after having the bottle so much).  Now, I'm anxious to see how my milk supply will be because I think it depleted some these last few days.  Only time will tell.  I feel like a load has been lifted off my shoulders though and I'm just happy things are starting to go back to normal.  Now we just have to get over his darn cold!
On a sadder note, I received a phone call today from my works short-term disability benefits company to remind me that as of Monday, 11/15, my leave is officially over.  :(  I'm continuing to take "Baby Bonding" time, but it's sadly unpaid.  Boooo!

Some more pics to share:

Gus watching over his little brother

Those beautiful brown eyes!

My attempt at capturing that so-stinkin-cute smile of his.  On my phone camera, so it's an extreme closeup and doesn't do his beautiful smile justice, but it's the best I've gotten so far...

Posted by PicasaPS:  I'd just like to send out a general apology to anyone who has called or texted or emailed me recently that I haven't gotten back to.  Please don't take it personally.  I have been terrible about getting back to people lately.  It's just really been a stressful couple of weeks for me.  But I know that is no excuse, and I do plan to get back with everyone very soon!  :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Like Mother, Like Son

So, I had my share of stomach problems after having Brody and it seems I've passed along the tummy troubles to my sweet sweet little baby.  We found some blood in Brody's diaper last Wednesday which scared the heck out of me.  I immediately called the on-call doctor in his pediatrician's office who told me since he wasn't running a fever or acting fussy to just keep an eye on things and call the office in the morning. So, I did and brought Brody in the next morning.  They took a look at his diapers (I kept the ones we found blood in) and took a look at him and really couldn't offer any explanations for me.  They gave me a couple of reasons it could have happened, but didn't really know for sure.  And since it seemed to be going away, they told me to again, just keep an eye on it and if it got worse to call back.  So, all weekend I kept watching and although the blood wasn't getting worse, it hadn't gone away at all, so I called back Monday morning.  The doctor responded that he thought Brody should go see the gastroenterologist.  So, we are scheduled to go in tomorrow morning and see the specialist.  I'm trying to remain calm, but with every poopy diaper I change, it makes it very difficult.  I can't help but wonder what could be wrong with my little angel.  And since I'm breastfeeding, it makes me so sad to think it could possibly be ME causing the troubles for him.  And it breaks my heart that he can't tell me if something hurts him....  I am just going to continue to pray for him until I can find out more.  Keep Brody in your prayers for me too...

On a happier note, Brody is 4 weeks old today!  And one of my favorite things about him right now (even though there are thousands) is that right before he drifts heavily off to sleep, he gives me the most precious dimply smile.  I'm sure it's not a real smile, but it melts my heart none-the-less.  :)

Here are some pics and videos to share...

He loves his "mummy" :)

Smiling during tummy time!

Well, hello there handsome!

Ok, I just think this picture is cute.  He looks like Popeye!

Mom, enough with the pictures already!

Happy Halloween!