
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Look Ma, I found my thumb!

Brody is trying out to be a thumb-sucker. He has been sucking on his hands and fists for a while now, but he's trying the thumb out now for size, and he quite likes it. It's actually super cute to see, but we really don't want this new habit to can take away a pacifier but can't really take away a thumb!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Is anyone out there?

Soooooo, I was thinking today about something.  I have NO idea who even looks at this blog (aside from my immediate family, of course).  And I was just kind of curious who else is following?  If you're out there, hit me up with a reply!  Or become an official "follower", if you wish.  Would love to know who's stalking checking in on the Petersen clan!  Ha ha.
I started a blog on-the-side the other day, because I was thinking I'd like to take this very personal blog about our life with Brody, in a different direction.  It's still in the works right now, but I'll share the link with you all soon.  Till then, I'd love to hear from any regular visitors!  Happy Friday!  :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Vegas Etc.

I found some more pics on my camera from Vegas and thought I'd post.  :)

Jeff trying on my mom's purse.  Hehehe.

Brody hanging out in the stroller...he did a lot of this on the trip.

Mom and Dad posing with the Groom

Brody in his handsome new wedding outfit.

Mom and Dad walking Chuck down the aisle.

And this is just a new pic of Brody hanging out at home.  Happy as a clam!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Vegas recap

Brody was simply AMAZING in Vegas.  We really could not have been more pleased with how our babe did.  The plane ride up there was especially awesome since Allegiant air has the "pick-your-own-seat" method for boarding.  And since we were with a lap child, we got to pick before others.  We picked a 3 seat row and due to a not completely booked flight, we were able to leave the seat between us open.  Score! wasn't technically open since Brody did occupy that seat for part of the trip.  Here he is boozin' it up with the best of em'.  (of course he did not really drink this mini bottle of wine)...

Aunt Mary sat with us for most of the trip, while Jeff bonded with Ryan a few rows up.  He came back to visit for a bit though.  Here he is with Mary being goofy...

After all the fun and excitement, Brody got tired so I laid him down on the seat between us and wrapped him up in my sweatshirt.  Doesn't he look like Dracula?!  haha...

Unfortunately I did not take very many pictures that weekend, but I assure you it was a BLAST!  And I'm so proud of my big brother and so excited to have a new sister.  The wedding was lovely and the bride was beautiful (sorry Chuck, you were handsome too, but the bride stole the cake).  ;)  Much much love and happiness to you both!

Oh, I should mention that I did get to do the one thing that I really wanted to do while in Vegas, which was ride the Big Shot on the roof of The Stratosphere.  Twice, actually.  Check out these pics (courtesy of Ryan).  Wahoo!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Brody's new trick...

...which we like to call "Where are my dentures?".

Bathtime Fun!

Got some cute pictures and video of Brody's bath the other night.  He's getting so big and fun!  I'm gonna have to stop bathing him in his tub on the counter because he splashes water everywhere now!


Brody starting laughing!  He was doing it so much, then I went to grab my camera and he stopped.  He was giggling when I'd say momma to him...the second half of the video is boring, but the first half is oh-so-cute!

Saying 'Momma' is fun!

Sorry for all the annoying baby talk...from me, not Brody of course! ;)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

3 Months

No doctor visit this month, so I don't have any height and weight stats to report, but I assure you that Brody is getting really big and packing on the pounds!  :)

I'm officially back to work these days, and I was really hoping to post a few more times before I went back, but with the holidays and all, time got away from me.  And now that I'm back to work it seems there are so few hours in the day to get anything done....let alone blogging!  I knew this moment would come, but I really thought I'd be able to post updates more often than I have been.  Oh long as I at least get my monthly post, I suppose I'll be ok with that.  Maybe I'll make it a New Year's blog once a week!  Don't keep your fingers crossed though...I am pretty sure I've never stuck to a single NY's resolution in my life.  Ha!

On to Brody's updates for the month...
  • Probably the most exciting update is that he is consistently sleeping through the night now.  He had done this a few times last month, but I think it's safe to say that he sleeps through the night every night now.  Whew!   (**note: it is not safe to say after all...I started this blog post on Monday and every night since I wrote this he has gotten up in the middle of the night at least once...guess I jinxed myself!)
  • He still hasn't rolled over again yet...but in his defense, I've been really lousy at doing tummy-time with him lately.  And I feel really guilty about it.  New Year's Resolution #2, perhaps?
  • Just in the past few weeks we've noticed a big difference in how much Brody talks!  He is always making all kinds of noises now and especially likes to squeal.  Here's a video of what I mean...How cute is this?!  (That is grandma V talking to him).
  • Swaddling...umm...Resolution #3??  Still no luck in sleeping at night without  one...I even had to order the next bigger size in the swaddle wraps.  He just seems to love being snuggly wrapped up like a burrito every night.  Jeff and I both say we'd go nuts without our arms free like that, but Brody really loves for now we continue swaddling. 
  • On a more positive note...since my last blog post, Brody has slept in his crib at least once everyday for a nap without a swaddle on!  The longest he's stayed for me was about an hour and 15 minutes, but usually I can count on about 45mins to and hour or so.  So, I think hope that night time sleeping without a swaddle is in our near future.  Here's a pic of B taking his morning nap sans swaddle...
  • We still do the eat-play-sleep routine every day.  His sleep times are getting shorter and play times longer, so we have a lot of fun these days.  He eats about 5 times a day, every 3 to 4 hours or so. 
  • One thing that has changed from the 2 month update post is that I no longer let Brody sleep on his tummy.  Yay for me!  This always made me really nervous, so very shortly after posting that, I stopped doing it.  :)
  • Brody loves to suck on his fists!  He really makes some crazy noises while doing this too, it's quite hilarious.  He also tries to put everything in his, burp cloths, pacifier, fingers, anything!  I am sure this will only get worse as he gets older.  Fist sucking picture...
  • He also drools a lot!  We gave him a tiny little lick of a peppermint candy cane over Christmas and immediately red drool started running down his chin.  I think he liked it though because he got a huge smile on his face after tasting it.
  • He is a very happy baby.  He smiles all the time and really hardly ever cries.  He is super easy-going.  We are able to take him all kinds of places and he does well being passed around at big gatherings with family and friends.  I think he does better than mommy does with this actually... 
Some other things we've been up to...
  • Brody took his first "vacation"!  We went to see Aunt Rachel in Ankeny back in December with Aunt Mary.  Brody did great and slept the whole 2.5 hour car ride both there and back.  And he was a champ during our practically all-day shopping trip!  I had to feed him once at the mall, but luckily Jordan Creek has a really nice Nursing room in one of there public restrooms.  It was a private room with a lock on the door, a glider and ottoman, side-table, mirror and low-light lamps.  I was really impressed!  Maybe these are the norm in bigger cities, but I can't say that I know of anything like this in the QC area.  Anyway, I was glad there was somewhere private for me to go.  Unlike the second time I had to feed Brody before heading back to Rachel's house... I fed him in the car!  It worked out ok though because it was really dark out, I have dark tinted windows in the back seat, and the weather was terrible so the parking lot was dead!  :)
  • Last week Brody stayed with Grandma V during the day while I was at work. This was really nice for me because I got to check in on them whenever I needed wanted to! And my mom sent me lots of text and picture updates too. This week B started at daycare which was hard for me all over again. I think about him all day long and wonder what he is up to. It's so hard to be productive at work when all you do all day is long to be with your son...:(
  • Brody had his first Christmas and met Uncle Chuck and Aunt Randi!  Below are some pics from Christmas.  Everything was great and it was especially awesome to spend time with the fam.  Can't wait to do it again soon...which...
  • ...will be in just a couple days!  Brody will be taking his first real vacation in VEGAS!  We are heading there for Chuck and Randi's wedding celebration!  Stay tuned for those details and wish us luck!  Anyone have any tips on flight travel with an infant?

    A couple other pictures from the 3 month photo shoot too cute not to share: