
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Week 8 Info

A little info about Baby P this week...

According to Baby Center, baby is about the size of a Kidney Bean this week. Jeff says we'll call it our little "beaner", like dad used to call me. :)

The says it's about the size of a raspberry!

"Baby is growing like mad, putting on about a millimeter every day and continuing to straighten out in the trunk. Though you can't feel it yet, baby is moving those little arms, legs, and (now only slightly) webbed fingers and toes like crazy."

Also...just a note, the ultrasound yesterday confirmed that baby is measuring to the exact estimated due date of October 3rd. Guess my "mothers intuition" isn't quite in tune yet, because I really thought they were wrong about this. ;)

An Unexpected Doctor Visit

Well, long story short, I had a bit of a scare with some spotting and cramping today. I called the doctor just to be safe, and she wanted me to come in for an ultrasound. I was very nervous to say the least, but when I saw our little peanut in there and the fast little pitter-patter of it's heartbeat, I immediately relaxed and just started to giggle. What JOY! I'm so glad to report that baby is doing just fine, is about 3/4" long, and has a good-looking heartbeat of 180 bpm. Phew!!
Thanks little "beaner" for hangin' in there. We love you already!! :D

First Doctor Appointment

Well, not much to report on the first doctor appointment. Everything went fine. Both Jeff and I went and really all they did was ask us questions about medical history and talk to us about some other things. They didn't even do a pregnancy test or anything so, hopefully all is still well in there. :) I did have some blood drawn for a bunch of different tests and we should find out the results in a few days. Other than that, that's about it. It was nice to finally get in and talk to someone, but I guess I was slightly disappointed in a way. I was hoping it would start to feel more like we were actually pregnant after that visit, but I still feel the same. Maybe after we start telling people about it, it will feel more "real". We'll see...
We did find out our estimated due date is now October 3rd. I knew it was either the 3rd or the 6th, but she said it was the 3rd as of right now (even though I still think it's the 6th).
Other than that, not much else to report. Still feeling pretty good. I have some occasional nausea, but have yet to actually keep your fingers crossed for me.
We think we are going to start telling everyone this weekend sometime...I'll be 8 weeks and although we should probably wait longer...we just don't want to! :)
The next appointment and first acutal "OB" visit is on Friday, March 5th.
That's all for now. Much love,

Never Say Never

Well, it was approximately one year ago that if you had asked me when we were going to have kids, I would have told you I wasn't sure we even wanted any at all. My, oh my, how much can change in one year! Jeff and I are MORE than happy to share that we are expecting our first child in October! Even just typing that makes me want to cry tears of joy.
On Wednesday, January 27th, 2010, Jeff and I took our first pregnancy test, which excitingly came back positive. It was totally unexpected and shocking, yet SUPER exciting to us. We weren't exactly "trying" to get pregnant, yet we both suspected that we were pregnant, even before the test confirmed it.
So here's how the story begins...
I had stopped by mom's after work to wax her eyebrows....Mary was over there too, and they asked me to stay for dinner (dad was in Florida), but all I had on my mind was my missed period and wanting to get home to talk to Jeff about taking a pregnancy test, so I declined dinner with them. On my way home, I stopped at Wal-Mart to pick up some dinner and decided...Ah...what the heck...why not pick up a pregnancy test too. Couldn't hurt. So, when I got home I told Jeff of my purchase and said that I wanted to wait until Saturday morning to take it. I'm not sure why. At that point, being a couple of days late, we already figured we were pregnant anyway, but I guess I wanted to do it on a Saturday when I knew we could spend the day together (being excited or sad together depending on the test results). But Jeff said, no way.. he wanted me to go take the test right then. He couldn't wait! So, since I had never taken a test before, I read the directions, took the test and called Jeff into the bathroom. The directions said to wait 3 minutes...two lines means pregnant, one line means not pregnant. About a minute into the test, there were two VERY apparent pink lines. Jeff said "What's that mean? Will one go away if it's negative?" I said, " That means we are pregnant!". We both just started giggling. It was such a weird yet, great feeling! I took another test later that night, just to be sure...even though false positives are very rare. I still can't get over the fast results. I guess I've always heard that it's best to test in the morning, and sometimes the second line is very very faint. And since we tested in the evening and the second line was even darker than the first, I was thinking Holy cow, we really ARE pregnant aren't we!
A couple of days later on Friday, 1/29 we had dinner plans with Mary and Ryan. Jeff and I discussed the possibility of telling them, even though we weren't quite ready to tell people yet. We decided that we were pretty sure Mary would suspect it if I wasn't drinking any wine. Maybe not that night, but eventually she would surely start to wonder why I wasn't drinking alcohol. And it was important to us that we told people before they started guessing. So, at dinner that night we told them our exciting news! I'm sorry to everyone else that may feel left out that we told them first, but we really felt it was the best thing to do. was so nice to let our secret out to's too exciting to keep it to ourselves! :)
At this point we still haven't decided when to tell everyone else. I am 6 weeks along today (I think), and we don't have our first Dr. appointment until Wednesday, February 17th. So....I think we will at least wait until after that appointment to let the cat out of the bag to everyone else. It will be nice to have an exact due date to tell everyone anyway, because as of right now, I can't figure out if it's October 3rd or the 6th. Either way, it'll be very close to a happy 56th b-day present for Grandma Vera!! Oh I can't wait to tell her!!!
Ok, that's all for now.
Hugs and Kisses...
Jeff and Jackie